How do I sterilize my well?

It is essential to sterilize your well only once it is connected to the house. It is also a good idea to sterilize the well once every two years thereafter. It is best to sterilize the well with chlorine (bleach).
Here is the procedure to sterilize your well:
- Turn off the cold water valve connected to the hot water tank and remove the screens from all the faucets in the house.
- Put any softener or filter on bypass mode, if applicable.
- Pour bleach down the sides of the well. Artesian well (metal pipe coming out of the ground): pour 1 x 4 litres per 100 feet of depth. Surface well (round concrete slab): pour 3 x 4 litres of bleach.
- Insert your garden hose into the well about 3’ and open the hose Once the water coming out of the hose smells like chlorine, keep going for 30 minutes and then turn off your hose valve.
- Surface wells only – You may be faced with the need to use a brush attached to a stick to brush the concrete walls of the surface well.
- In the house, turn on a cold water faucet and let the water run until it smells like chlorine, then close the faucet. Repeat this process for all cold water faucets in the house, including the shower, toilet, clothes washer faucet and outdoor faucets.
- Leave the chlorinated water in the pipes of the house for a minimum of 4 hours. If possible, once an hour, go around the faucets and open each one for about 30 seconds to renew the chlorinated water in the pipes.
- After the 4-hour delay, purge the chlorinated water from the well. To do this, let the water run through the outside hose into the ditch (not on the lawn, flowers or trees) until the chlorine smell disappears. This way, you can preserve the good bacteria needed for your septic system to function properly.
- Run water from all faucets in the house until it no longer smells of chlorine.
Do a water analysis
Use the water normally for at least 4 to 10 days before testing your water for bacteria. Take two samples, one for the bacteriological analysis of the water, to confirm that the water is drinkable, and one for the physico-chemical analysis of the water to know if your water will cause you any inconvenience (stains, taste, smell, colour).